Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is what my profile looks like when I'm being honest about my limited knowledge

The first movie I can remember seeing in the theatre was the mighty one of a kind, best selling film of all time, Titanic. I was seven years old and completely enthralled in what I now know to be the creative genius of James Cameron. My name is Lindsay Pope and I am not a director by any means. I am merely a baby college student completely awestruck with appreciation for great filmmaking. My weekends consist of enjoying as many movies as I can realistically, or unrealistically, squeeze into my Friday and Saturday nights. I am currently enrolled in a film class at UNC Chapel Hill and though it is completely kicking my tail, it is changing my view of modern blockbuster Hollywood and heightening my appreciation for classical cinema. It is my belief, now more than ever, that in order to truly appreciate any art form, you must be knowledgeable of its beginnings for the only way to tell how far something has evolved is to know where it began. The goal of my blog is hopefully to watch my own understanding of film mature and to channel my newly found and newly appreciated knowledge into a productive and interesting blog.

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