Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Movie Whore

"Mine is a life wasted on, I mean devoted to film."

Written by creative consultant, co-writer, and producer, Jim Carter, "The movie whore" covers a wide range of film topics. Though his focus is film analysis, he refuses to limit himself, ocassionally including subjects such as lighting and the importance of watching a film with a good audience.
Carter begins his analysis with a quick overview of the films plot, which keeps all readers up to date even if they have not seen the movie. His writing persona is of a man who genuinely loves movies and is able to extract good elements from even the worst B-flick action movie. His criticism is subtle, but rich with substance and understanding. I love that Carter is enough of an authority on his topics that he does not feel the need, like so many other bloggers do, to be violently opinionated or harsh in his reviews; instead, he casually points out high and low points, always leaving the option for his readers form their own opinions.
Carter’s strongest quality is his ability to connect with his readers. In his most recent blog, Carter offered readers the chance to post questions they would like to have answered by an actor or director, promising to post the answers to some of these questions upon his return from L.A. this coming weekend.

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