Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Film Experience

"The general public doesn't go to the movies to see movies but to be a part of pop culture" Nathaniel Roger uses his blog to express frustration with the direction that pop culture has forced onto cinema. The writing persona that emerges is of a man who is brazen and unforgiving in his analysis of Hollywood and its most prominent characters. Being a freelance writer he is self described as "up to his knees in deadlines" and possibly uses his blog as an emotional outlet. The feeling a reader gets when reading his blog is similar to the feelings one may get while watching a talk show or listening to a radio show in the morning; you either like it, or you don't. The fact that he is an American movie goer is something that he feels gives him the right to have an opinion. furthermore, from the depth of his analysis, his readers may believe that he is well informed and more of an authority than he actually is. They also may feel that he is as critical of the industry as the industry should be of itself, in regards to remaining an art form, and not a product of popular culture.

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