Friday, January 29, 2010

a little one-sided...

The United States is suffering from a plague of superficiality. As a society, Americans are content with the idea that everything is exactly as it appears. Our culture has evolved in a way that allows us to focus exclusively on a finished product without any consideration as to how it was made or who put it together (ex. Where does orange juice come from? The grocery store?). In the niche of high profile films, moviegoers glorify talentless Actors, who must be fed their lines by off-screen prompters, and then completely overlook the directors, producers, and countless others who keep the entire production from falling apart. My name is Lindsay Pope, and I am batting in the minor leagues of counterculture. Against the grain, I believe that true beauty lies within the depths of one’s soul and no amount of money or make up can cover an ugly spirit. I apply this idea to modern cinema; Even an A list cast cannot save a movie that is inadequately written or poorly directed. Contrastingly, an innovative script and intelligent directing can make a blockbuster hit out of an Indie film with “no name” actors (ex. Slum Dog Millionaire). This blog is being created in the name of justice and is hereby devoted to redistributing the limelight away from the superficial aspects of film and onto the multi-dimensional traits of the characters behind the big screen.

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