Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This is what my profile looks like when I'm trying to impress others with my film knowledge

In the early 20th century, film made a gigantic leap from a purely scientific and technological existence to become the latest greatest form of artistic creation. Directors replaced scientists in the roles of creating and distributing films and gave rise to the era of the modern cinema. My name is Lindsay Pope and I have never directed, produced, acted in, creatively designed, or written a movie, but I have loved movies with my whole heart since the very first one I ever remember seeing(Forrest Gump). I am a performer by nature; having been a dancer since I was three, but I have only recently had my eyes opened to the beauty of what happens off-screen. While sitting in my film class I stumbled upon this quote: “A director is someone who is asked questions about everything.” I have tremendous respect for the work of the writers, actors, producers, but above all, the directors who make cinema happen. It is my desire to escort my readers past the simplicity of viewing a movie on the big screen, and introduce them to the individual aspects that go into film creation.

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